Sustainable technology webinar: Web Accessibility

Sustainable technology webinar: Web Accessibility

Learn how to make your website more accessible

Sustainable technology is very much about creating web accessibility for everyone. Yet, web accessibility is often forgotten in the design and development process, even though it is neither expensive nor difficult.

On May 19th it is Global Accessibility Awareness Day, and we would like to mark this by inviting you to a webinar where we review some of the classic challenges of web accessibility. Challenges that emerge both in the design phase and in content production, but also small things you easily forget.

You will get our tips and tricks on how to make a website accessible, both in the development phase and editorial work.

You will meet:

Jesper Reck-Jensen, Chief Developer, Forte Advice


Past events

Start - 19/05/2022 - KL. 07:30

End - 19/05/2022 - KL. 08:15

Location - Online